When Ambition Kills

One of Jesus' disciples named James (who also happened to be his brother) wrote about the dangers of selfish ambition.
He writes: For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice (James 3:16).
This should serve as a stark warning for those in leadership against the subtle temptation to give into the desire for power and prestige. In fact, one definition of selfish ambition is "the divisive willingness to split the group in order to achieve personal power and prestige."
Selfish ambition destroys relationships, ruins teams, and sets the course of an organization in the wrong direction. Those who follow or are under a leader who is fighting for power will feel the results by being left out and marginalized. Leaders who are desiring power have no time to pour into those whom they lead.
Leaders must constantly assess their motives and focus on serving for the sake of others.
When others are the focus of ones leadership selfish ambition decreases and true servanthood is at work.